Notice of a Public Meeting - Zoning Amendment Application ZBA-11/24 Peters, J & K - see NOTICE for more details.
The registration form to register for the Curbside Bulk Garbage Program is now LIVE. Please visit the Garbage & Recycling Page and go to Curbside Bulk Garbage Collection and click Register Here at the bottom.
Remember - only those who complete the registration form and provide payment by the deadline will be included on the list.
View the March 7, 2024 Council Highlights
Notice of Decision - Minor Variance A-03/24 Roy Schrijver Farms Ltd. - see NOTICE for details
Notice of Passing - Zoning Amendment By-law Z769-2024 Silverthorn - see NOTICE for details
Notice of Passing - Zoning Amendment By-law Z770-2024 Underhill - see NOTICE for details
Notice of Passing - Zoning Amendment By-law Z771-2024 Wall - see NOTICE for details
Notice of Passing - Zoning Amendment By-law Z772-2024 Wall - see NOTICE for details
Notice of Adoption - Official Plan Amendment No. 36 Underhill Farms Ltd. - see NOTICE for details
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