Zoning By-Law
View the complete Zoning By-law Consolidated October 21, 2022 and Zoning Schedules/Maps
What is a Zoning By-law?
The Zoning Bylaw implements the policies and objectives detailed in the Official Plan. It outlines how a specific parcel of land may be used and regulates matters such as lot size, parking requirements, building height, landscaping requirements and other site-specific factors.
Why do we need a zoning bylaw?
A zoning bylaw:
- implements the objectives and policies of a municipality’s official plan
- provides a legal and precise way of managing land use and future development
- in addition to the official plan, protects you from conflicting and possibly dangerous land uses in your community
If an applicant wishes to develop a property in a manner that doesn't meet the current zoning provisions, they must apply for a Zoning By-law Amendment; also referred to as a rezoning. For example, a change of use from residential to commercial would require a Zoning By-law Amendment.
The zoning by-law amendment process is a public process that takes approximately three (3) months to complete. Zoning amendments are considered by the Municipality of Bayham Council. The last consolidation of approved amendments was completed October 21, 2022.
Use the link Zoning Amendment Application to access the application to Amend the Zoning By-law or contact the municipal office.
Minor Variance
Sometimes a property owner only wants to make a minor variance to the Zoning By-law provision such as a building setback or height restriction. This can be done by applying to the Committee of Adjustment for what is known as a Minor Variance. For example, a property owner planning an addition onto their house determines that with the addition there will only be a 6.5 metre rear yard depth. The Zoning By-law requires a rear yard depth of 7.5 meters. This is a minor variance, and the owner could apply to the Committee of Adjustment for a minor variance that if approved would permit the reduced rear yard depth requirement under the Zoning By-law and allow for the addition to proceed. The minor variance application process is a public process that takes approximately two (2) months to complete.
Committee of Adjustment
The Committee of Adjustment holds public hearings and makes decisions on applications for minor variances to the zoning bylaw. The Municipality of Bayham Committee of Adjustment consists of Council members and meets when needed to consider an application.
Use the link Minor Variance Application to access the application for a variance to the Zoning By-law or contact the municipal office.
Approved Zoning By-law amendments since the last consolidation can be found within the By-law Repository under Zoning By-laws on the By-law Page. The By-law No.'s are listed below:
- Z752-2022
- Z753-2022
- Z754-2023
- Z755-2023
- Z756-2023
- Z757-2023
- Z758-2023
- Z759-2023
- Z760-2023
- Z762-2023
- Z763-2023
- Z764-2023
- Z766-2023
- Z767-2024
- Z768-2024
- Z769-2024
- Z770-2024
- Z771-2024
- Z772-2024
- Z773-2024
- Z774-2024
- Z775-2024
- Z776-2024
- Z777-2024
- Z778-2024
- Z779-2024
- Z780-2024
- Z781-2024