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Official Plan Review 2024

Bayham Official Plan Review - Shaping Our Future

The Municipality of Bayham is undertaking on an Official Plan Review to update the Bayham Official Plan.

The Official Plan reflects a community vision for future change and development and outlines in a broad manner the land use and development guidelines and policies for Bayham.  Generally, the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan guides growth and development within the urban limits of the hamlet areas.

The current Municipality of Bayham Official Plan was approved in February of 2019. Municipalities are required under Section 26 of the Planning Act to conduct an Official Plan Review every five (5) years to ensure that the Official Plan:

•    Is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement;
•    Has regard to the matters of provincial interest, and;
•    Conforms with the County of Elgin Official Plan.

The purpose of an Official Plan Review is to ensure that policies of the Official Plan are in conformity with provincial and County plans and policies and continue to meet the community’s vision for future change and development.

What will the new Official Plan include?

The Province of Ontario has made significant planning policy and land use changes over the recent years that must be incorporated into Official Plans at the county and municipal level. Further, the County of Elgin is in the final stages of completing a review of their Official Plan, to which the new Municipality of Bayham Official Plan must conform. Therefore, the scope of Bayham’s Official Plan Review process will consist of both a conformity exercise and a revision exercise, which will update the current Official Plan policies by: 

•    Bringing the new Official Plan into conformity with the current Provincial Policy Statement (PPS, 2020). Note: The Province is further evaluating modifications to the PPS and may issue a new PPS in 2024.  Depending on the timing, any changes to the PPS could be considered during the Official Plan Conformity Review or after.
•    Bringing the new Official Plan into conformity with the proposed County of Elgin Official Plan that is currently under review. It is anticipated that the proposed County of Elgin Official Plan will be approved and be in-force and effect during the Bayham Official Plan Review project.
•    Making any additional amendments to the goals and objectives, land use designation policies, mapping, etc. that are in the current Bayham Official Plan, as appropriate.

This Official Plan Review is a municipal-wide initiative and affects all lands within the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Bayham.

How can I get involved and stay informed?

The community is invited to share ideas about their vision for the Municipality and the policy direction to manage future land use and growth. We encourage your comments now and throughout the Official Plan Review process. If you have any comments, questions, require further information, or would like to be added to the project mailing list for updates and to be notified of the future decision of the County of Elgin on the proposed Bayham Official Plan, please email or mail to:


•    Municipal Office: Attention - Official Plan Review (56169 Heritage Line, P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, ON, N0J  1Y0)
•    Oral submissions may also be expressed at Open Houses or the Statutory Public Meeting.


A Special Council Meeting was held on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 6:00 PM in the Municipal Council Chambers, 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville to formally initiate the Official Plan Review project, whereby Staff and the consultant team provided an overview of the process, estimated timelines, and future opportunities for participation. See Notice of Special Council Meeting. If you missed the Special Council Meeting, you can watch the recording on Bayham's YouTube Channel and find a copy of the consultant team's PowerPoint Presentation here.

An in-person Open House was held on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Straffordville Community Centre, 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville to provide an opportunity for the public to suggest revisions to the new Official Plan and offer comments regarding any issues or matters that should be considered during the Official Plan Review process. See Notice of Open House. Please note than an online-virtual option was not available for this Open House, however, please see a copy of the consultant team’s PowerPoint presentation and material presented here. If you did not attend the Open House, you are still encouraged to provide any comments, questions or feedback with respect to the project at any time.

Project Milestones

The following provides the project phases and estimated timelines to complete the Official Plan Review project. Please note that the estimated project timelines may change due to modifications to the PPS by the Province that may occur during the project. *Indicates the current phase of the project

Phase One – Project Initiation (May 2024) - COMPLETED

The Official Plan Review project is formally initiated by Bayham Council. Staff and the consultant team will provide an overview of the process, estimated timelines, and future opportunities for participation.

Phase Two - Consultation and Policy Review/Analysis* (May – July 2024)

The Municipality and consultant team will host an in-person Open House for the public, stakeholders, and agencies to provide an initial opportunity for comments on topics or issues that should be considered through the Official Plan Review process. The consultant team will also be available in-person and virtually to consult one-on-one.

Phase Three – First Draft of Official Plan (August – October 2024)

The first Draft Official Plan will be prepared based on the comments received during consultation, as well as the policy review completed in Phase Two. The Draft Official Plan will be presented at an in-person Open House and posted online for additional public, stakeholder, and agency commenting. The consultant team will also be available in-person and virtually to consult one-on-one.

Phase Four - Final Draft and Adoption of Official Plan (November – December 2024)

Following the commenting period on the first Draft Official Plan, changes to the draft document will be incorporated into the document before being brought forward at a statutory public meeting. The final Draft Official Plan will then be presented to the Municipality of Bayham Council for adoption.

Phase Five - Approval of Official Plan (Q1 of 2025)

Following the adoption of the new Official Plan by the Municipality of Bayham Council, the adopted Official Plan will be sent to the County of Elgin for approval. The County of Elgin, being an upper-tier municipality, is the approval authority for the lower-tier municipality (Bayham) Official Plan. 


If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the County of Elgin to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Bayham before the proposed Bayham Official Plan is adopted, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision. 

If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Bayham before the proposed official plan is adopted, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.

Additional Resources

Current Municipality of Bayham Official Plan

County of Elgin Official Plan Review

Planning Act

Provincial Policy Statement, 2020

Citizens’ Guide to Land Use Planning (Province of Ontario)

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